Ringstead Church of England Primary School

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Church Street, Ringstead, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN14 4DH


01933 622734 | Fax: 01933

Ringstead Church of England Primary School

Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their lives. Proverbs 22 v 6

  1. Parents Information
  2. SEND


Within our support for children with special educational needs, we aim:

  • To enable all children, whatever their special needs, to participate fully in the life of the school and learn from a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • To provide an appropriate range of settings and activities, so that each child is challenged, experiences high expectations and achieves success.
  • To encourage a high level of self-esteem.
  • To work in partnership with parents and children to assess children's needs, and to develop specific, individual targets and strategies to achieve this.
  • To seek advice and intervention from external agencies as necessary, and work in collaboration to meet children's needs most effectively.

Mrs Janet Hickey is the school's SEND Coordinator and Mrs Michelle Howes is our school governor responsible for SEND.

Please contact the SENDCo by contacting the school on 01933 622734 and asking for Mrs Hickey or you can email the SENDCo directly at: j.hickey@ringstead.pdet.org.uk 

SEND Information Report - Please view in slideshow. 

SEND Policy 



Supporting Your Child

At Ringstead Church of England Primary School, we plan to meet the needs of all of our children and know you want to do all you can to help, too. To help further your child's learning at school, here are some great links that will give you access to help and further resources. 

Northamptonshire Local Offer Website  

Caring4OurKids Website 

Legal Resources for Medical Needs 

Teacher Resources for Special Needs

Home Accommodations for Special Needs 

Dyslexia Assist website - general help, support and resources relating to dyslexia

Nessy - activities to help support spelling in children with dyslexia